Seek Outside Help

January 30, 2012 0

Though Europe can help itself economically by lowering interest rates and accelerating structural reforms, financial contributions from non-European countries through the IMF are needed most. […]

Wounded Giants

December 30, 2011 0

French President Sarkozy’s request for Chinese money in support of the euro rescue symbolized three historic shifts in great power relations: the fragility and endangerment of the European project, the ascendance of China, and the beginning of the end of the American era. […]

Happy New Year?

December 22, 2011 0

With the global economy on unstable ground and little economic space remaining for additional policy support, world leaders must focus on preventing a catastrophe in Europe. […]

Preparing for Eurogeddon

December 8, 2011 0

The United States must take urgent steps to help Europe resolve its debt crisis, while simultaneously preparing for the worst—the collapse of the both the euro and global financial system. […]

Will Economic Disruption Derail the Arab Spring?

November 7, 2011 0

The Arab Spring has toppled three governments and galvanized change across the Middle East. But fiscal, external and labor market imbalances are widening, and both new and old governments are under pressure to deliver simultaneously on political, economic, and social fronts. […]

The G20 Action Plan

November 5, 2011 0

Like European leaders in their summit the week before, the G20 failed to put forward concrete steps that will resolve the European debt crisis and stabilize global financial markets. […]

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