Prospects for the Eurozone

May 12, 2012 0

As concerns rise over a potential exit by Greece and a possible bailout for Spain, the eurozone remains in a very difficult predicament, with few good options for moving forward. […]

Iran, Oil Prices, and the Global Economy

May 7, 2012 0

With tighter sanctions on Iran scheduled to go into effect in the second half of this year, global oil prices could spike further, adding uncertainty to fragile global economic prospects. […]

The Euro-Exit Taboo

April 30, 2012 0

Europe’s periphery is finding itself at a crossroads similar to the one Argentina and Latvia faced in the last decade. But a decision to exit or stay in the eurozone will have much more far-reaching consequences. […]

Europe in the Eye of the Storm

April 5, 2012 0

Coordinated policy and plain luck have propped up the eurozone, but have not decisively addressed the root cause of the euro crisis: diminished competitiveness in the periphery. […]

Is the End of the Crisis in Sight?

March 28, 2012 0

As Italian and Spanish spreads on government bonds decline, Europeans are breathing a big sigh of relief. But true recovery requires big structural shifts that will take many years. […]

The World Bank’s Quota System for Leaders

March 22, 2012 0

The selection process for the World Bank’s top job is far from competitive, but focusing on the presidency obscures the extent to which other high-level positions at both the Bank and the International Monetary Fund are also quota-driven. […]

Will Greece Reach a Deal?

February 14, 2012 0

Despite delays, the Greek rescue package will almost certainly be approved in the coming days. Whether or not the deal will prove to be sustainable is a much more difficult question. […]

How Italy Will Change

February 10, 2012 0

Europe needs to help, but even with help, Italy faces big changes and, assuming all goes well, two or three difficult years lie ahead. […]

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