Don’t Buy the Hype on the Transatlantic Trade Deal
Expectations for the U.S.-EU free trade agreement are dangerously high. Reaching a deal is likely to take longer and produce smaller gains than optimistic figures suggest. […]
Expectations for the U.S.-EU free trade agreement are dangerously high. Reaching a deal is likely to take longer and produce smaller gains than optimistic figures suggest. […]
The euro crisis continues to hamper Europe’s growth, and the risk of contagion hangs in the air. […]
Speaking on RT CrossTalk, Carnegie’s Uri Dadush discussed the use of monetary expansion by advanced countries to redress their economies. He warned that although the world is not yet in a new bubble economy, it […]
As concerns rise over a potential exit by Greece and a possible bailout for Spain, the eurozone remains in a very difficult predicament, with few good options for moving forward. […]
With the global economy on unstable ground and little economic space remaining for additional policy support, world leaders must focus on preventing a catastrophe in Europe. […]
The European leaders’ emergency summit featured plenty of headline-grabbing numbers, but far fewer actual commitments and details. It will not save the eurozone, but it will allow it live on to fight the next battle. […]
With emerging markets surging ahead and the United States and other wealthy countries engulfed in a crisis that shows no sign of ending, it is worth asking if rich countries are in a growth trap—and should perhaps seek advice from their developing neighbors. […]
Since bailouts alone are failing to end the European debt crisis, a new approach that pacifies markets, strengthens banks, mitigates moral hazard, and is politically acceptable to both core and periphery countries is urgently needed. […]
For primarily political reasons, the fiscal policies of the United States and the United Kingdom diverged dramatically in 2010, as British leaders introduced a harsh austerity program while U.S. policy makers agreed to extend tax cuts. […]
Despite the recent optimism in Europe, evidence that countries are dealing adequately with the underlying causes of the euro crisis remains scarce. For the European rescue to succeed, leaders must focus on structural problems, not just fiscal ones. […]
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