Economic Integration in the Time of Turmoil

May 5, 2015 0

Economic integration is crucial in order to achieve rapid and sustainable growth. However, instabilities in the Middle East and North Africa and the recent plunge in oil prices may stifle economic progress. […]

10th Mediterranean Strategy Group

December 4, 2014 0

The opening session assessed the history and status of U.S. engagement in the Mediterranean region. The United States has been a Mediterranean power for nearly 200 years, and has become an established actor in the region in the economic, diplomatic, military and cultural sense. […]

Iran, Oil Prices, and the Global Economy

May 7, 2012 0

With tighter sanctions on Iran scheduled to go into effect in the second half of this year, global oil prices could spike further, adding uncertainty to fragile global economic prospects. […]

Will Economic Disruption Derail the Arab Spring?

November 7, 2011 0

The Arab Spring has toppled three governments and galvanized change across the Middle East. But fiscal, external and labor market imbalances are widening, and both new and old governments are under pressure to deliver simultaneously on political, economic, and social fronts. […]

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