Germany’s Choice

September 15, 2011 0

Leaders in Germany and other eurozone countries are starting to recognize that dealing with the euro’s problems requires not just austerity and structural reforms in the periphery but also a much closer fiscal union. […]

Global Aftershocks of a U.S. Debt Default

July 28, 2011 0

While a temporary default is not likely to fundamentally alter the global economic dynamic, the U.S. budget imbalance and uncertainties over whether Washington will address that imbalance are major contributors to international tensions. […]

Exchange Rate Regimes and Protectionism

July 1, 2011 0

The international monetary system helped countries liberalize trade and limited protectionism during the Great Recession. But countries with pegged exchange rates remain a threat to trade, especially if the peg is undervalued. […]

The Rise of Emerging Markets Requires a New WTO

July 1, 2011 0

The ascendance of emerging economies has altered the fundamentals of international trade, creating an urgent need for the World Trade Organization to play a more proactive and substantive role in this new world. […]

Growing Economies, Rising Problems

June 23, 2011 0

The fast rise of emerging economies brings an enormous opportunity to increase global prosperity, but also could generate dangerous conflicts. Global leaders must develop the means to mediate them. […]

Why is Protectionism Dormant?

May 26, 2011 0

The forces that kept protectionism at bay during the financial crisis—chief among them, national laws, regional agreements, and structural economic shifts—should be the focus of future trade negotiations. […]

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