Dr. Kim Comes to the World Bank

April 3, 2012 0

While Jim Yong Kim is a strong nominee for president of the World Bank, it is interesting to imagine how a more desirable and honest nomination process could unfold. […]

Is the Labor Market Global?

January 3, 2012 0

While it may no longer be possible to provide manufacturing workers the kind of security they once enjoyed, given the fact that technology and globalized markets are changing too quickly, a much better job can be done to help workers adjust to these changes. […]

Happy New Year?

December 22, 2011 0

With the global economy on unstable ground and little economic space remaining for additional policy support, world leaders must focus on preventing a catastrophe in Europe. […]

Where is the Global Trade Agenda Headed?

December 7, 2011 0

The eighth World Trade Organization Ministerial Conference in mid-December will be held at a time when the global trading system faces considerable challenges, including a deteriorating global economic environment and mounting trade tensions. […]

Don’t Be Afraid of the Service Sector

November 10, 2011 0

The ability of the service sector to generate growth is widely underestimated. So long as country avoid taking protective measures and harness their competitive advantages, countries should welcome larger service sectors. […]

Jordan 2011-Linking Trade to Development

October 24, 2011 0

How can Arab economies better leverage regional and global trade to restart growth and drive economic and social development? The following dimensions will be addressed: Global growth markets, Relations with developed economies, Diversification of economic output for high value trade […]

G20 Must Help Manage Eurozone Crisis

October 20, 2011 0

An economic crisis comparable in size and virulence to the Lehman Brothers episode could erupt if Italy and Spain lose their ability to borrow. The G20 must act now to stabilize the eurozone. […]

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