The Crisis Is Dying, Slowly

August 16, 2013 0

The global economy’s slow and painful healing from the financial crisis continues, but three great challenges still confront the global recovery. […]

The Accidental Trade Policy

May 9, 2013 0

U.S. trade policy has undergone an epic shift in the last decade. The ambitious new strategy is promising, but it will also prove challenging and risky. […]

The Current (Fragmented) Governance of FDI

May 1, 2013 0

The disciplines governing foreign direct investment lie in the shadow of those governing global trade, as there is no single, comprehensive multilateral treaty or institution to oversee investment activity. […]

Asian Development Outlook 2013

April 17, 2013 0

The Asia and the Pacific region continues to be the global growth leader even as it faces significant development challenges and downside risks. […]

Emerging Markets Unite!

March 29, 2013 0

A new initiative by the BRICS coalition of emerging countries, intended to establish a new development bank, will rival traditional development groups such as the IMF and World Bank and may shift the balance of power of the world’s economy. […]

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