Don’t Buy the Hype on the Transatlantic Trade Deal
Expectations for the U.S.-EU free trade agreement are dangerously high. Reaching a deal is likely to take longer and produce smaller gains than optimistic figures suggest. […]
Expectations for the U.S.-EU free trade agreement are dangerously high. Reaching a deal is likely to take longer and produce smaller gains than optimistic figures suggest. […]
The euro crisis continues to hamper Europe’s growth, and the risk of contagion hangs in the air. […]
Speaking on RT CrossTalk, Carnegie’s Uri Dadush discussed the use of monetary expansion by advanced countries to redress their economies. He warned that although the world is not yet in a new bubble economy, it […]
Propping up the euro through contentious fiscal and banking arrangements, all without adequate guarantees from countries on Europe’s periphery, may not produce the long-term stability that is in the interest of both sides of the Atlantic. […]
With European voters voicing their frustration at harsh austerity measures, economic fears are back in the eurozone and any respite from government and central bank intervention appears to be fading. […]
As concerns rise over a potential exit by Greece and a possible bailout for Spain, the eurozone remains in a very difficult predicament, with few good options for moving forward. […]
Coordinated policy and plain luck have propped up the eurozone, but have not decisively addressed the root cause of the euro crisis: diminished competitiveness in the periphery. […]
Though Europe can help itself economically by lowering interest rates and accelerating structural reforms, financial contributions from non-European countries through the IMF are needed most. […]
With the global economy on unstable ground and little economic space remaining for additional policy support, world leaders must focus on preventing a catastrophe in Europe. […]
The United States must take urgent steps to help Europe resolve its debt crisis, while simultaneously preparing for the worst—the collapse of the both the euro and global financial system. […]
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