Our Trade Tensions Will Persist Beyond Trump

May 15, 2018 0

Technology and inequality, China’s special status, macroeconomic imbalances, and WTO dysfunction, are the challenges confronted by the world trading system, and which lie at the root of resurgent protectionism. […]

Politics, Policies and Prospects of the MENA Region

July 25, 2015 0

The MENA region is vital for Europe economically as a source of energy and as a large and historically rapidly growing market. Politically, however, it is a source of unwanted migration, conflicts, and geopolitical instability. […]

10th Mediterranean Strategy Group

December 4, 2014 0

The opening session assessed the history and status of U.S. engagement in the Mediterranean region. The United States has been a Mediterranean power for nearly 200 years, and has become an established actor in the region in the economic, diplomatic, military and cultural sense. […]