Euro Crisis: Back with a Vengeance
With European voters voicing their frustration at harsh austerity measures, economic fears are back in the eurozone and any respite from government and central bank intervention appears to be fading. […]
With European voters voicing their frustration at harsh austerity measures, economic fears are back in the eurozone and any respite from government and central bank intervention appears to be fading. […]
Europe’s periphery is finding itself at a crossroads similar to the one Argentina and Latvia faced in the last decade. But a decision to exit or stay in the eurozone will have much more far-reaching consequences. […]
Coordinated policy and plain luck have propped up the eurozone, but have not decisively addressed the root cause of the euro crisis: diminished competitiveness in the periphery. […]
As Italian and Spanish spreads on government bonds decline, Europeans are breathing a big sigh of relief. But true recovery requires big structural shifts that will take many years. […]
China is becoming an increasingly significant economic partner for Latin America. But its rise is part of a broader, long-term shift towards a world in which emerging markets have greater economic weight. […]
Though Europe can help itself economically by lowering interest rates and accelerating structural reforms, financial contributions from non-European countries through the IMF are needed most. […]
Although Cannes provided the United States and the broader G20 with an opportunity to rescue Europe from its current economic turmoil, the G20 did not make the tough decisions necessary to end the Eurozone crisis. […]
The transformation of China into an economic powerhouse will fundamentally alter Beijing’s relationship with the global economy and require far-reaching changes in the global institutional architecture. […]
Given the economic problems facing both sides of the Atlantic, Europe and the United States can best support democratic transitions in Arab countries through enhanced trade agreements that improve market access and maximize job-promoting reforms. […]
The Obama administration’s deadline for Iran to enter discussions on the nuclear issue has passed. In spite of claims from Washington that “all options are on the table,” the economic crisis makes a military response to Iran infeasible. […]
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