Ireland: From Bubble to Broke

May 13, 2010 0

Despite the fact that Ireland’s economy sustained a boom both before and after the introduction of the euro, Ireland faces the same problems that are crippling much of Europe: lost competitiveness and an unsustainable government debt trajectory. […]

The Myths About China’s Currency

March 19, 2010 0

The debate over China’s currency propagates dangerous myths about both the Chinese economy and the potential benefits of a more expensive renminbi for the United States. […]


December 20, 2009 0

While China’s role in global trade is continuing to grow, the dollar, not the yuan or the euro, will remain the world’s leading reserve currency for the foreseeable future. […]

Russia’s Accession to the WTO

December 10, 2009 0

Russia is the only major economy that is not a member of the WTO, but discussions over its accession have intensified, giving rise to important questions about the implications for world trade. […]

The Threat of Protectionism During the Financial Crisis

March 12, 2009 0

Drops in Chinese export figures and declines in world GDP suggest there will not be an economic recovery in the fourth quarter of 2009. The upcoming G-20 meeting must focus on halting the contraction as opposed to reforming the financial architecture. […]

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