Don’t Be Afraid of the Service Sector

November 10, 2011 0

The ability of the service sector to generate growth is widely underestimated. So long as country avoid taking protective measures and harness their competitive advantages, countries should welcome larger service sectors. […]

Will Economic Disruption Derail the Arab Spring?

November 7, 2011 0

The Arab Spring has toppled three governments and galvanized change across the Middle East. But fiscal, external and labor market imbalances are widening, and both new and old governments are under pressure to deliver simultaneously on political, economic, and social fronts. […]

The Canned Summit

November 4, 2011 0

Although Cannes provided the United States and the broader G20 with an opportunity to rescue Europe from its current economic turmoil, the G20 did not make the tough decisions necessary to end the Eurozone crisis. […]

G20 Must Help Manage Eurozone Crisis

October 20, 2011 0

An economic crisis comparable in size and virulence to the Lehman Brothers episode could erupt if Italy and Spain lose their ability to borrow. The G20 must act now to stabilize the eurozone. […]

Why China Needs a Global Conscience

September 1, 2011 0

The transformation of China into an economic powerhouse will fundamentally alter Beijing’s relationship with the global economy and require far-reaching changes in the global institutional architecture. […]

Averting Another Global Recession

August 11, 2011 0

Financial market turmoil and U.S. debt woes threaten to undermine the global recovery, but the biggest danger to the world economy comes from Europe and its worsening debt crisis. […]

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