365 Days of Unequal Growth

December 18, 2013 0

2014 will be a year of global economic recovery—but only for some. And the perception of economic stagnation may trump the reality of economic growth. […]

Emerging Markets Are Not The Answer To Our Growth Problem

May 30, 2013 0

Developing economies have performed strongly, while their advanced-country counterparts have struggled to sustain comparable economic growth. Emerging markets can help the advanced economies, but they are still too small and vulnerable to do the job on their own. […]

Asian Development Outlook 2013

April 17, 2013 0

The Asia and the Pacific region continues to be the global growth leader even as it faces significant development challenges and downside risks. […]

Emerging Markets Unite!

March 29, 2013 0

A new initiative by the BRICS coalition of emerging countries, intended to establish a new development bank, will rival traditional development groups such as the IMF and World Bank and may shift the balance of power of the world’s economy. […]

Demystifying the Chinese Economy

May 2, 2012 0

Since opening up to the world in 1979, China’s economy has grown by an astonishing 10 percent, on average, in real terms every year. But many observers have pointed out that China’s recent “rise” is more aptly deemed a “return” to the preeminence it enjoyed before the eighteenth century. […]

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