U.S. Unemployment Will Stay High

September 16, 2010 0

U.S. unemployment is expected to decline slowly in the coming years. Though a gradual adjustment is not unique to the current recession, policy makers must promote growth and address structural mismatches to help the 14.9 million unemployed workers. […]

Europe’s Debt Crisis Continues to Simmer

September 16, 2010 0

The relative calm in Europe signals a pause in—not an end to—the debt crisis. Though policy makers have taken encouraging initial steps to close budget deficits and restore competitiveness, much more remains to be done. […]

Portugal’s Growth Challenge

September 13, 2010 0

While Portugal’s public finances are healthier than those of Greece, its poor growth prospects, drastic loss of competitiveness, and high public and private debt all make the country vulnerable to the crisis affecting other parts of Europe. […]

Why Greece Has to Restructure Its Debt

June 2, 2010 0

Given the dual challenge of massive and rising debt and a loss of competitiveness now facing Greece, debt restructuring is necessary—but may not be sufficient—to restore economic growth. […]

Ireland: From Bubble to Broke

May 13, 2010 0

Despite the fact that Ireland’s economy sustained a boom both before and after the introduction of the euro, Ireland faces the same problems that are crippling much of Europe: lost competitiveness and an unsustainable government debt trajectory. […]