The Turkey Has Landed

December 1, 2011 0

After the failure of the U.S. “supercommittee”—which may mark the beginning of a multi year impasse—it is far from clear that Washington lawmakers will be able to address the country’s fiscal problems before the markets turn. […]

Hot in the South

March 10, 2011 0

In order to prevent another boom-bust episode—this time in developing countries—policy makers must act soon to cool the rising temperatures in several rapidly growing emerging markets. […]

Whither Africa?

March 3, 2011 0

After stagnating for decades, economic growth in Africa has accelerated, but maintaining this rapid growth is far from guaranteed. Policy makers must build on past successes and tackle tough reforms before the world’s poorest continent can make sustained economic progress. […]

Can the G20 Grow Faster?

November 3, 2010 0

Faster growth in the G20 must come through increased demand in advanced nations—beginning with the United States and Germany—rather than agreements about currency appreciations or current account targets. […]

Is the African Renaissance For Real?

September 30, 2010 0

Economic growth in Africa over the last ten years has been at its strongest in decades, but continued reform efforts—especially those affecting governance and the business climate—are needed to ensure that this renaissance continues. […]

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