Will the Emerging Market Turmoil be Contained

November 29, 2018 0

Emerging market economies (EMs), as a group, continue to exhibit solid growth. This is the case especially in Asia and among oil-exporters, supported by growth in the advanced economies, the recovery in world trade, and the resilience of non-oil commodity prices. […]

Assessing the EU-North Africa trade agreements

November 27, 2018 0

In this Policy Contribution, the authors provide an economic assessment of the trade agreements between the EU and North Africa. They argue that the common view of the agreements is overly negative, and point to policy conclusions that could increase regional integration. […]

Deindustrialization and Employment in Morocco

November 1, 2018 0

This policy brief shows that the downward trend of employment in manufacturing in Morocco is due primarily to labor productivity improvement and that the increased deficit in manufacturing trade also plays an important role. […]