The Future of Globalization

May 22, 2017 0

This brief reviews the main features of the recent globalization, attempts to explain its persistence over the centuries and why it is likely to persist in the indefinite the future […]

Trade Backlash and the World Trade Organization

May 22, 2017 0

Embed from Getty Images Author: Uri Dadush Originally published by the OCP Policy Center The best way I can describe my feelings about trade these days is as an unstable anxiety disorder. Following on November […]

Trade backlash and the World Trade Organization

May 10, 2017 0

Adjusting to the expanding role of emerging economies and confronting a rising tide of populism in the Western world are just two of the challenges facing the liberal economic order established by the Bretton Woods institutions. […]

The Global Outlook and Morocco

May 8, 2017 0

Despite fraught politics, the global outlook is strengthening. The next twelve months are likely to be characterized by moderate but steady growth across the world. […]

L’Amérique déclenchera t-elle une guerre commerciale mondiale ?

May 2, 2017 0

Alors que la résurgence des politiques protectionnistes semble rendre une aggravation sensible des frictions commerciales inévitable, M. Dadush tente de définir la vision du monde du Président Trump, les moyens d’action dont il dispose, ainsi que les facteurs qui peuvent modérer la politique protectionniste de son administration. […]