Emerging Markets Unite!

March 29, 2013 0

A new initiative by the BRICS coalition of emerging countries, intended to establish a new development bank, will rival traditional development groups such as the IMF and World Bank and may shift the balance of power of the world’s economy. […]

The Botched Rescue in Cyprus

March 21, 2013 0

The decision to endorse a bailout deal that included a levy on bank deposits was legally dubious, morally unjustifiable, managerially inept, and economically foolish. […]

Cyprus and the Euro Crisis

March 20, 2013 0

The Cypriot banking crisis reveals the danger of the euro crisis incapacitating Europe and the global economy more broadly. […]

The Limits of Philanthropy

March 8, 2013 0

The 300 billion dollars Americans give every year to philanthropic causes provide a channel for important social change. So why are academics and even President Obama in favor of limiting tax deductions that can be claimed for charitable contributions? […]

Egypt’s Economy Two Years After Mubarak

March 1, 2013 0

Two years since the outbreak of democratic revolutions in Egypt, the economic situation in the region remains precarious. Egypt’s economy struggles to grapple with high levels of unemployment, decreasing reserves, a widening fiscal deficit, and costly, yet inefficient, subsidies. […]