Is the African Renaissance For Real?

September 30, 2010 0

Economic growth in Africa over the last ten years has been at its strongest in decades, but continued reform efforts—especially those affecting governance and the business climate—are needed to ensure that this renaissance continues. […]

U.S. Unemployment Will Stay High

September 16, 2010 0

U.S. unemployment is expected to decline slowly in the coming years. Though a gradual adjustment is not unique to the current recession, policy makers must promote growth and address structural mismatches to help the 14.9 million unemployed workers. […]

Europe’s Debt Crisis Continues to Simmer

September 16, 2010 0

The relative calm in Europe signals a pause in—not an end to—the debt crisis. Though policy makers have taken encouraging initial steps to close budget deficits and restore competitiveness, much more remains to be done. […]

The Global Rebalancing Mirage

September 16, 2010 0

Deficit countries are neglecting the needed—and more difficult—reforms at home and fueling protectionist sentiment abroad with their focus on external trade imbalances and their calls for major surplus economies to increase demand. […]

Portugal’s Growth Challenge

September 13, 2010 0

While Portugal’s public finances are healthier than those of Greece, its poor growth prospects, drastic loss of competitiveness, and high public and private debt all make the country vulnerable to the crisis affecting other parts of Europe. […]